Friday, October 1, 2010

The Latest Crisis

It is the first of the month and all of our money is gone.  In fact, We will be in the red by the 12th of October.  There is nowhere to get money. We drained my IRA last month.  His boss was paying bonuses every month but quit that around March.

I called to cancel out pest control today.  When I told them I was canceling for financial reasons, they offered to cut their rate by 30 % if that would help.  I said, "Sure."  So I still have pest control and I still don't have enough money for October.

We have some cash from a yard sale we had in September but it isn't enough.  We have been rolling coins every month but I found a new can that we forgot we had.  Hopefully it contains more than just pennies.  This weekend we will open it up.  Pray for us, do a rain dance, wish on a star, whatever you do that you believe in because I have lost faith in everything, including my antidepressants.

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